Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a great time to spend with friends and family as well as rest and reflect on what it means to be grateful for what we have. “Having” to me isn’t the material things in life. My haves are my health, the love of my friends and my family, the well-being and happiness of my four boys, unconditional love from my fur babies, Koda and Denali, and most of all, I’m grateful for my life because of my love, my husband, Mr. Mathews.

Mr. Mathews and I have known and love one another for half of our lives. Through the tough times, he believed in me and my potential. It’s cheesy, but he’s brought me out of the darkness and into the light many times over the years with his love. Every day, I’m thankful he is a part of my life. I hope you take the time, and not just on Thanksgiving or the holidays, to appreciate the people that bring joy, love and laughter into your life as well as challenge you to become a better person.

Live fully. Laugh often. Love unconditionally. Happy Thanksgiving!