Celebrating My Birthday Week

FBI field agent and hacker Audrey Benson vows never to be like her father. But when the Feds charge her brother for a crime she believes he was coerced into committing, Audrey goes back on her word.

Guilt-ridden over the line she’s crossed, Audrey arrives in the small town of Cedar Falls ready to find the answers that will clear her brother of the charges and get her back her job.

She gets more than she bargains for when she runs into the town’s homegrown star quarterback in a less-than-friendly first meeting.

She’s not into complicated and disgruntled. He steers clear of perplexing and secretive. But they can’t deny their instant attraction.

Audrey’s search for answers bring them closer but will secrets from her past drive them apart

Sneak Peek

Craving an escape a steamy book can’t take care of, I pull into the parking lot of a feed store and park near the front entrance. The feed store is rectangular and painted clay red. The finish is lifeless. A fresh coat of paint on the wood exterior can give this place much needed eye-popping attention, but I doubt anyone out here cares.

Cedar Falls Feed and Pet Supplies. I can’t stop smiling. The store’s name is original. And in this small town at the easternmost part of Montana, I’ll find the answers that can help J.D. out of his mess.

I shimmy out of my pickup truck and studying my surroundings, I stretch my arms to the cloudless sky and shake my hips side-to-side. The land is flat for as far as I can see and the winter air is so crisp, I can taste the coolness when I smile.


What a difference from the gridlock of cars and people in the city I live and work in. I tip back my head and inhale a bigger breath.

I’m free from stop-and-go traffic, the grind of city living, and the sexy-as-sin guy staring at me sitting in his jacked-up black pickup truck.

What the—?

My smile slips. I shoot the guy a sideways checking out. His cowboy hat is pushed high on his forehead, giving me a decent view of his face. The stranger’s face is an artist’s dream of chiseled angles and smooth lines. Dark stubble shadow his chin and jawline and above his full lips, like an angel’s wings.

Awareness grabs me low in the belly and I step back. Oh hell, no. I haven’t felt this instant hot attraction since my junior year in college and that was years ago.

He grasps the rim of his hat and acknowledges me with a nod, his eyes never leaving mine. I’d say he’s flirting except the glare on his face says otherwise.

I tip my chin and bring my arms to rest at my sides. I must come across as ridiculous staring back at him with my fingers pointed at the sky.

Ignoring his glower, I get in another feel-good shake. My stiff muscles loosen. I chance another glance at the cowboy. His glower deepens. I tip my chin higher and walk inside the feedstore.

No one’s told this brooding cowboy it’s rude to stare.