Hate To Want You

Happy first day of October! I love when the leaves turn colors, the temperature cools, and the holidays come careening upon us. I am so happy to be back and writing again. In late June I had surgery to replace a bulging disc in my neck. The first eight weeks of recovery was exhausting and frustrating. Exhausting because I had major surgery though to me replacing ONE disc didn’t seem major. And frustrating because I couldn’t do the things that I normally did, like driving, dishes, and, vacuuming. Now, I’m very close to normal, thank goodness.

I’ve been working hard catching up on my current work-in-progresses, and I would like to share with everyone the cover and title for my soon-to-be-released contemporary romance, Hate to Want You. October is National Cyber Security Month and getting to unveil the cover and blurb for this story this month is ironic to me. You’ll understand when you read the blurb! I hope you enjoy the cover. I can’t wait to share Audrey and Walker’s story. Crossing my fingers for a release date of the end of this month.

Hacker versus jock. Game on.

Socially awkward and misunderstood, Audrey Benson vows never to be like her father. He’s a cheater, addict and criminal. But when her brother is charged with armed robbery and attempted murder, Audrey realizes doing something illegal comes easily for someone she loves.

Guilty over the line she’s crossed, Audrey arrives in the small town of Cedar Falls, Montana ready to search legally for answers that will prove her brother was blackmailed.

Audrey gets more than she bargains for when she runs into the town’s homegrown star quarterback in a less-than-friendly first meeting. She’s in Cedar Falls to find answers and do some soul searching. She won’t let a disgruntled Walker Storm be a tempting, sizzling hot distraction.

But those sexy eyes of his, his intoxicating smiles, and that body…She might hate to want Walker for the right reasons, but a girl can dream she can snag a star from the heavens, can’t she?