When Life and Malware Get In the Way of Writing

My website might’ve been hacked, leaving my last blog post stuck in 2015, but darn it, I’m ready for 2018!

The beginning of this year was a challenge for me health-wise, day-job-wise and writing-wise. Since December 2017 I’ve been struggling with chronic right arm pain from a pinched nerve due to a bulging disk in my neck. Day job-wise I’m prepping and pumped to be a co-presenter at a national conference happening in San Antonio, Texas. Writing-wise, well… I haven’t been able to write much due to my arm pain. But soon these roadblocks will be taken care of, and I hope to start writing again after my neck surgery in June.

June. Wow, that’s next month! I can’t believe how time flies. Yes, I mention time a lot. Time is precious to me. I have four boys who are growing up way too fast. My oldest will graduate from high school this year. I still remember the day he was born. Three more boys and two Golden Retrievers later and mine and my husband’s life is busy and full in a good way.

What do I have in the works you ask? I started writing a few pages of the next book in the Club Forsaken series, Breaking Emery. However, other story characters have hijacked my brain. I won’t tease my readers with too much other than to share the titles to my two WIP. The WIPs are contemporary romances. One is about a blind princess and her royal bodyguard. The other is about a hacker and her overprotective quarterback, an odd pairing for sure. The titles are:  Hate to Want You and Three Reasons Why.

I hope you like the small “shares”. More to come as the stories head toward completion.


Song on replay:  The Greatest by Sia

Quote of the day:  “I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become.” ~ Carl Jung