Two years after the release of If Only, my first contemporary novella in the Willowbrook series, What If is now available on Amazon.US. Why did I release the book earlier than it’s September 30th release? According to Amazon, a new release may take up to 48 hours to be available on it’s international market. A majority of my sales are from the UK and Denmark. I wanted to make sure my international readers have access to the book as close to the 3oth as possible.
So what am I doing to celebrate the release? What If was such a fun book to write, and there is so much fun to be had with the cover and the importance of a certain piece of jewelry- a key and heart lock. In the swag is: a masquerade mask similar to one on the cover, a heart lock and key from Etsy, Aromatherapaes Spa bath (eucalyptus, peppermint & rosemary), Aromatherapaes Spa bath (neroli & lavender), Spa…ah Lightening Mask with arbutin, licorice, and vitamin C, and a $10 Amazon gift card (sent via email). Since many of my readers are international, the contest is not restricted to the U.S.
What do you need to do to enter for a chance to win this swag? The contest runs September 30th to October 4th. Winner announced October 5th. Multiple chances to have your name entered.
1. Add What If to your Goodreads shelf
2. Like my FB page (automatic entry for those who already liked :))
3. Share my FB posts (1-2 excerpts daily) during the contest time (9/30-10/4). Each share counts, giving you up to 10 chances to have your name entered!
That’s it! Easy, peasy. Winner will be announced on my FB fan page October 5th at 9 pm PST. Good luck! Want your copy of What If? Click on the cover. Special price of 99 cents. Sale ends 10/5.
Excerpt from What If:
Her father. She unlocked the door to her place, and rushed to the kitchen. She’d forgotten about the tulips she’d bought to put at his gravesite. He loved tulips. Had said they reminded him of the place where he’d proposed to Emma’s mom, up in Skagit Valley, Washington, in a field of tulips.
She grabbed the bunch and headed to his gravesite. On her knees, she spread the tulips across the granite marker. “For you, Dad. I miss you. Every day.” Emma started to get up, but something silver in the overgrown grass caught her attention. A silver chain. She held the chain in her hand then pocketed it. On the chain was a key. A key for my heart, Drew, she remembered whispering to him as she’d stuck her hand out, unfolded her clenched palm and had shown him the way to her heart. She reached inside her shirt and felt the coolness of the heart-shaped lock. Apparently, Drew didn’t want his piece of her heart.