Author Spotlight-Anna Alexander-Hero Unleashed

Anna, nice to have you on my blog. I love spotlighting authors, and their unique stories. Your books, HERO REVEALED and HERO UNLEASHED, are all about the hunky super heroes. What woman can resist a strong man who can literally sweep her off her feet? Now, before I continue with our interview, I have to disclose that you and I went to high school together. That can be a good or a bad thing, lol. Hmm, remember when . . . . Okay, okay, I won’t spill any beans 🙂. Tell us about your experience from writer to published author?

It’s only been three years since I finished my first book, so the fact that I am published at all, I have to remember is a huge accomplishment. I’ve experienced every wives tale a writer hears about when seeking publication. From receiving a rejection and a request for a full on the same day, to selling from a pitch. I have to remember that “overnight” success can take years, if not decades. It’s tough, but I have to write, so I can be as patient as possible. Most of the time. 🙂

Great insight. I think a majority of us authors can relate. Your heroine, Brett Briggs, in Hero Revealed, is a “don’t mess with me or else” kind of gal while your super hero, Kristos Kilsgaard, is honorable yet overprotective. It makes for some great sexual tension and head-butting. Why superheroes and not the popular billionaires in contemporary romance these days?

I began writing super heroes because I wanted to write a vampire novel, but I didn’t think I could bring anything new to that concept. I’ve always enjoyed the super hero mythologies and was always sad when none of them had happily-ever-afters. I think Spiderman is jinxed when it comes to love. When I noticed super heroes were everywhere but in romance novels I thought hey, here’s my niche. So far, so good.

And we’re glad you did! Describe your experience with your publisher, Ellora’s Cave, and why you chose to submit your novel to them.

Hero Unleashed is a super hot novella and there are only a few publishers that buy those stories. Ellora’s Cave is well respected and know their readers, going so far as to hold surveys that asks everything from their favorite plot elements to what character names leave them cold. My editor is great, very responsive, and we work well together. She knows if she gives me a suggestion, I’m going to run with it and give it my own twist.

Sounds like you two have a great working relationship. How do you balance your day job and personal/family life with your writing?

I have no idea. Really. I just try to get as much done as I can and not burn myself out. Each month I make it a point to take some time out for myself. Shoe shopping is a popular pastime.

We all have to recharge somehow, lol. You went to Geek Girl Con this year. Tell us about that, and for those who don’t know what GGC is, give us a few words to describe the atmosphere of this event.

Geek Girl Con is a convention held to celebrate the female geek. It was kind of like a cross between a comic-con and a science fair. I was privileged enough to participate in a workshop with author Ellis Flynn and comic book writer Gayle Simone. What struck me most was I need to remember that young girls not only need opportunities to follow their artistic and/or academic inclinations, but the encouragement to take those opportunities. It was a fabulous experience.

This is cliché, but what advice would you give writers who dream of becoming published either as an Indie author or traditionally?

I would say to decide upfront whether you want to be a writer or a published author. Those are two different journeys with their own version of success. Then learn everything you can about that part of the industry. Knowledge is definitely power.

I agree. The publishing world is very dynamic, and the more you know, the better you are for it. Learn, learn, learn and then share 🙂. Okay, I’ve asked my zombie question several times (Resident Evil, anyone), so I’ll move on to another interest dear to my heart. Music. What kinds of music inspire you when you write? Or do you like silence?

I like to sing along, so if I pay attention to what I’m listening too, I get distracted. My favorite spot is a pub near my house. The music and people create a white noise I can disappear in. Occasionally I will hear a song that reminds me of a scene or a character, but I don’t have specific music I listen to.

Thank you, Anna, for stopping by. To find out more about Anna Alexander, visit her website Want to be swept away by a sexy super hero? Check out the blurbs to Hero Revealed and Hero Unleashed.

As a female sheriff in a small town, Brett Briggs faces enough obstacles turning complacent good ol’ boys into a top-notch police force without the added insult of a vigilante apprehending her criminals. Her prime suspect? Kristos Kilsgaard, the sexy river guide who has been open in his desire to move her away from her badge and into his bed.

In his former position as royal guard, Kristos once failed a woman he cared for and as punishment was banned from his home on one of Saturn’s moons. He vows not to make the same mistake with Brett and uses his superpowers to protect her, no matter the foe. Or the cost.

But Brett didn’t become sheriff by letting a man take care of her, and although the hot-as-hell Kristos is persuasive, she’s not going to start now—even after burning it up between the sheets with him. When her town is threatened, they cry out for a hero and she sets out to prove to everyone, Kristos included, that she’s the woman for the job.


Princess Amaryllis should have been sad to be exiled from her home on the Saturn moon, but on Earth she finds freedoms she never imagined existed. She embraces her new home with big, open-mouthed kisses and establishes herself as a prominent business woman catering to the human’s most intimate desires.

When the former head of her father’s guard enters her domain, he not only rouses old insecurities but also a burning desire to see him lose the formal constraints and succumb to the promise in his command.

Lucian Kilsgaard was a warrior without a mission until he received word that an assassin had been sent to ensure the exiled princess does not return to reclaim the throne. He goes to warn the princess and instead of the unconfident, impulsive girl he remembers, he finds a bold temptress.

How can he protect her when all he wants is to sink into her softness? He vows the line between protector and lover will never be crossed, yet Amaryllis will test his resolve until he takes exactly what he needs.