We are mortal. In fiction, the statement can be refuted. I’m currently reading Immortal Love by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban. By the title alone readers can guess what the book is about. In Ferreiro-Esteban’s book, Immortals live past their human years while those they love die as humans. What would it be like to live forever?
This week was hectic at work, home and writing. However, today was special. I went to a funeral. I can see the confused looks. A funeral special? Yes, today my family and I remembered and celebrated the life of my MIL’s 107 year-old great aunt.
As my husband drove the kids and me to the service, I read Immortal Love on my Kindle. On my phone, emails went back and forth in my yahoo writers’ group regarding wills and what happens to our books should we die. I believe things happen for a reason. Today, I was reminded that life is short. But whether our life is short or if we live to be 107 years-old, what we do with those years is what matters.
My MIL’s great aunt wasn’t an Immortal. She was human, grieving over loved ones who had died while she continued to live past the normal life expectancy. Yet, she didn’t let the losses get her down. She continued to be giving and hopeful even when her sight and hearing was near gone. And that’s what everyone at the service remembered her for — a loving soul who inspired others to be just as giving and hopeful.
How do we treat others? Do our children respect and love us? Do we respect and love our spouse? I’m press for time. We all are. I have deadlines to meet and more books I need to write. Yet, from today on, I strive to be more aware of how my writing affects my life. Why? I don’t want to be remembered for my published books. I want my legacy to live on in my children. To have them tell their children, and their children to tell their children that I was a loving, respectful and giving person. Thank you, Emma, for this life lesson, and may you rest in peace.