I Dare You Cover Reveal

What I love about being an Indie author is the control I have over my work. For a while now, I’ve been going back and forth on whether to make a box set of the books in my Dare You series or to combine the two stories into one longer novel.

I wrote Near Perfect back in 2014 and then released the second book, Torn, in 2015. In the six years since I’ve learned a lot about the writing craft.

So, I took the jump and did what I’ve been wanting to do–combine the books into ONE book. I also changed the point of view from third person to first person similar to what I did with my Reckless Series. Isn’t the cover sexy? I Dare You will be released soon.

Have you read ALL of my contemporary romances? Ready for a sneak peek of my upcoming book release, Wicked, sent straight to your reading device? Click here for the first two chapters (unedited). Wicked is set for a March 24th release date.