Small Town Romance Sale

A new year brings with it new opportunities and I’m so excited to share that I’ll be partnering with various authors to send straight to your inbox news of book sales based on themes. Growing up, I lived near a library and I absolutely loved cruising the paperback section for my next book to read. And if I love that author’s book, I went back for more and read ALL of her back list. This was how I found great authors such as Lisa Kleypas, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Christina Dodd, and the very talented Sherrilyn Kenyon.

With how immersed we are with technology, why not offer an e-landing page that is similar to a library’s paperback shelf and the books are grouped by themes? Added bonus? Readers can “peruse” the shelf at their convenience.

Ready to lose yourself in a small town romance? Click on the image above to be sent to the landing page and browse through the listing of books offered by over 30 authors. Happy reading!