Taking a Break

Addressing my “taking a break” announcement on Facebook

On June 22nd I posted this on my Facebook page:

After much thought, I’ve decided to take another break from writing. All of those “release date TBD,” will now be a “I don’t know if those books will ever be released.” Thank you to my favorite readers-Amanda, Casey and Brenda- for their support. Don’t worry, everything is fine in my life. This isn’t a “goodbye,” but rather a, “see you soon.” I’ll be explaining the reason for my break in my next blog post. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t be releasing any books in 2016 and further. For now, 2015 is done for me, book-wise. When a decision is made, and there is relief rather than regret, that’s when I know I’ve made the right decision
For those who have followed my blog, I took another break in January 2013, not releasing any new books until April 2014. There was a reason for my long break. The writing bug bit me in 2010, and I couldn’t let go of the compulsion to write and write and write. At the time, my boys were 10, 8, and the twins 3 years old.

The two oldest were in soccer year round. I worked full time with a 1 1/2-2 hour commute each way. I’d get home from work and write until 1 am then get up at 5 am to catch my 6 am train to work. I’d write non-stop on the weekends and bring the laptop along to write in between soccer games. As you can imagine, the pace wasn’t sustainable.

I crashed, mentally and physically. It took a long time to get over the exhaustion.

Recently, I started heading in that general direction again as I attempted to fulfill my self-imposed deadlines. Echo (Extinction Book 3) was supposed to be released at the end of this month. I won’t make the deadline and have pulled the book off of Amazon for pre-order. I thought I’d have Love Actually (Willowbrook Book 3) and Utterly and Completely (Dare You Book 3) out by fall of this year. That won’t happen either.

Since the announcement almost two weeks ago, I’m feeling better already, mentally and physically. Just some small background as to the mental and physical exhaustion. My husband and I are re-doing the flooring in three rooms. At my day job, I’m helping to train three and soon-to-be four people. Training, and ripping up flooring is exhausting. Add in the creative process of writing, and it became too much.

Training will be done by October. Getting kids ready for school will be completed before September. And the flooring/remodeling will be done by the end of this month. Love Actually is next on my list to write, followed by Echo. However, the writing may be slower as I intend to enjoy my “break.”

So here are the book news.
The Dare You series with Bryce and Lucy will only be two books- Near Perfect and Torn. I believe Torn completed their story and I’m ready to move on to the other two couples I’d like to explore further.
If you’ve read Torn, I’ve set up a story line for Marcus and McKenzie, and Claire and Tristan. Plan for some major head-butting between these couples.

Love Actually will be the next contemporary romance release. This will be the last book in the Willowbrook series.

My best selling books are my contemporary romances, so that’s where my focus will be for 2016. However, I know some of my readers want Cage’s story (Extinction series), and “the boys'” stories from the Universal Law series. Believe me, these paranormal romance bad boys will eventually meet their flawed but feisty matches.

I hope this newsletter helps alleviate any worries for and about me.

Now on to book news, and the winner of my every other month drawing for  a $10 Amazon gift card (no June newsletter). All of my books are being sold exclusively at Amazon until further notice.

Sale Alert!
If you haven’t read my paranormal romances, consider buying LUMINSCENCE. The book will be on sale on Amazon.com for 99 cents July 8-July 15th. Though it’s the 3rd book in the series, it can be read as a stand alone.


Quote: “Cry as hard as you want to. But just make sure that when you stop crying, you never cry for the same reason again.”

Song on replay: Hilary Duff~ Breathe In. Breathe Out.