In September 2012, a new romance imprint of a large fiction company released my debut book. I was a star-in-the eyes type of gal who thought her first book would shoot up the NY Times Best Seller’s list in no time flat. Boy, was I ever wrong.
Disappointed, I looked within myself and contemplated long and hard about the future of my writing career.
At that time, I was considered a hybrid author. I’d had two books traditionally published and had self-published a novella. I also considered myself somewhat of a success. People bought my books. I had a good following on Twitter and Facebook. I was very active on social media and networking with my writing colleagues.
Yet, something was missing. As some of you know (you can read my past blogs, I’m not shy), I spiraled into a depression. I lost sight of what was important to me—my health and my relationships with the people who loved and cared about me.
What was missing? What eventually led me to decide to go strictly Indie? When I announced my decision on my Facebook fan page, one Indie author put it best. Respect.
I’ll always remember his response because he was dead on. I respect myself enough to retain control over what I’ve created. Sure, I won’t have my books at a brick and mortar book store. Or for someone to impulse buy while shopping at Walmart or Target.
Yet, it’s a tradeoff I’m willing to accept to be able to balance my full time job and family life with my writing. I won’t go into the boring details of what I’m doing differently this second time around. However, I’m happy to share the number one thing I’ve learned. Worry less and write more. Happy writing and reading everyone!
Song on replay: Gabrielle Aplin and Bastille – Dreams (Fleetwood Mac cover)
Quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson