When the clock hit midnight and a new year began, a big weight lifted off of my shoulders. Finally, 2013 was gone. In its place is a new beginning.
My goals for 2014 are simple. Write great stories and live life to the fullest. For two years, it was go, go, go and write, write, write. The pace wasn’t great for my health or my relationships. Some authors are able to keep the pace without sacrificing their relationships. I learned I’m not one of them.
Right now, I struggle with finding the time to write and writer’s block. Mentally and emotionally, writing is draining but gratifying. I spend time with my characters as though they are my children. I nurture them. I give them advice. I whisper words of reassurance. And, oftentimes, I shake my head in disbelief at some of their decisions. Yet, at day’s exhaustive end, I realize they make me smile and laugh.
I also learn important lessons from them. Don’t take life too seriously. Cherish those you love. Smell the roses more often. Small acts of kindness add up quick. And when in doubt, choose love over duty, lol.
Here’s to another year of life!