Goddess Fish Review Tour for My Fallen

Goddess Fish Review TourGoddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Review Only Tour for My Fallen. The tour will run February 4 – 8. Want to know what reviewers think? I do too. Comment at every stop for your chance to win a digital copy of My Fallen, Shadow Watcher or If Only. Your choice. The grand prize will be a jewelry holder similar to the one pictured here. So, if you comment at all six stops, you’ll increase your chances of winning the grand prize. Good luck!

February 4:  Welcome to My World of Dreams http://www.jhthomas.blogspot.com/

Jewelry holderFebruary 5:  Crazy Four Books http://crazyfourbooks.blogspot.com/

February 5:  STOP 2  The Wormhole   http://wormyhole.blogspot.com/

February 6:  Long and Short Reviews   http://www.longandshortreviews.com/

February 7:  It’s Raining Books  http://www.its-raining-books.blogspot.com/

February 8:  Always a Booklover  http://alwaysabooklover.blogspot.com/